This one was inspired by one of my great passions: Samba dancing.
Mas que nada Sai da minha frente Eu quero passar Pois o samba esta animado O que eu quero e sambar Este samba Que e misto de maracatu E samba de preto velho Samba de preto tu
And we're back from our little adventure in the Motorcity con! Though the attendance was not amazing, it was nice to meet new faces and for once, we really got to walk around and visit all the artists that came. Among the great artists that we had the pleasure to see again and meet for the first time were Sergio Aragones, Stan Sakai and Guy Davis..just amazing people. If you haven't heard of them, you should. All in all, it was a cute and modest con--and its only gonna get bigger!
So Subway sketching will resume this week as normal..hope to see you there!
My online digital painting classes at Schoolism is going into it's 3rd week. The students are learning about textures this week.
For anyone interested in signing up, next class starts June 26th. It's more than half full.
Here's the assignment that the students were given to paint for the first week. This one is a muscle man I painted for the demo. I picked to paint this muscle bound guy for the first class because then we only have to deal with one basic element - flesh. No hair, clothes (except for his speedo of course), color or background. This helps the students concentrate more on the brushes and techniques for the first class and not getting overwhelmed with too many other elements.
The best way to learn is by isolating one particular way of thinking at a time so that you can put your sole attention on it.
This Sunday subway sketching will be cancelled because we'll be at the Motor City Comicon! If you're in the area, feel free to come on by. I'm told its going to be a great show!
Here's a subway sketch from last Sunday. After, I sketched on it in Photoshop
Here's another piece I'm doing for a friend. This one is for our buddy Patrick Morgan. He asked Kei and I to do our version of his character designs "Whale Boy."
Here's what the original WHALEBOY character design looks like: And here's my twisted version. I'm having a great time with this painting. I'll post some wips (Work-In-Progress) pics.
Here's a new painting I did for Alberto Ruiz's Eye Candy book. He drew it (from his Pistolas book) and I painted it. I wanted to keep it creative and incorporate his lines in the painting as well.
It's always fun to experiment from time to time.
The video cast is the initial sketch I did for this painting. Part 1
We just got back from the Calgary Expo on Wednesday.
It's was one of the best comicons we've been to. Great crowd, friendly people. Fantastic organizers. The BEST hospitality out of all the cons. Thanks to Kandrix and Laurie and all the rest for the awesome time they showed us! We couldn't be prouder that this is a Canadian event.
First night, we shared a ride to the hotel with Ryan Woodward (storyboarder for Spiderman 3 and fellow teacher) then went out partying with our buds Stephen Silver, David Colman, Patrick Morgan, Jose Lopez and our new friends Louie Del Carmen and Octavio Rodriguez. Amazing group of guys.
Second day was the convention. Great friendly crowd. Extremely well organized! Just awesome. Got to see some good friends as well. Freedom fighter: Alberto Ruiz and his ever growing army of independent artists Robin Mitchell, Joe Pekar, Andrew Wilson, Wade Schin. Cheeks, wish you were there buddy. You missed out! Ah.. there's always next year though. Also always good to see our SF buddy John Giang.
The view from the plane
Here's some pics from our booth
After the convention the guest artists were invited to go to Banff for some R&R. We met Bruce Timm and hung out with Francisco Herrera, Humberto Ramos, David Colman, Andrew Wilson, John G and the Udon crew (our Wii coach Jim Zubkavich and the GTA posse Francis Manapul, Agnes, Marcus To, Omar Dogan and Joe Ng).
Playing Texas Holdem with Chicklets.
For all those that didn't make it out, be SURE to go there next year. Check out the view in Banff.
Here's one of our postcards stuck in the snow on the top of a mountain. Don't worry, we didn't leave it there :)
Thanks again Kandrix, Laurie and all the fine people in Calgary for being so friendly and hospitable.