2 days ago
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pre-Orders are ready for my New Book & DVD!
I have created a store where you can buy my first book as well as my new book and DVD. Click on Seiler Depot to visit the store, or click on the Seiler Depot strip featured on the right side of my blog. Click on any book cover and it will direct you to the Seiler Depot store.
I will be out of my studio and away from any internet connection for a week. I'm leaving this Sunday the 28th and will be coming back on the 6th or 7th of July. My DVD and New Book will be available in July 2009, but at this time I do not have an "official" date of when I will "actually" have them. When I get them, I will immediately announce their arrival here on my blog.
So for those of you who just can't wait, click here to PRE-ORDER my New Book and DVD.
Book, SEILER 2008-2009 $25.00 + Shipping.
DVD, Sketching with Jason Seiler $35.00 + Shipping.