2 days ago
Friday, June 12, 2009
Passion for Life is my latest book, giving insight into my philosophies in life drawing and life itself. With over 200 figure drawings in many different styles and techniques, Passion for Life will inspire and give you a look into the art of life drawing with a whole new perspective never seen before. Passion for life, and all it contains is an insightful book, not just for the drawings, but the message it sends. The quotes, and inspirational thoughts, are not just for artists, but for anyone who aspires to be happy, content and productive.
What I would like to do again is giveaway 2 free copies. I have found that many artists are working but not following their real passion, and have the desire to do something different with their art other than what it is they are actually doing. So I ask this question?
If you woke up tomorrow and had the opportunity to be doing that one special thing you really want to be doing, what would it be?
All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog http://www.stephensilver.blogspot.com and put your website or blog URL so people can see what you do. There is no right or wrong,I will place everyone's name in a bowl and pick the two winners on Monday, June 29th.
And if you can't wait, you can order my book directly @ http://silvertoons.com/store.html or click on the title. All books come signed with an original sketch of course.
Good luck!