Storyboarding with Kris Pearn
Course Description: What is the key to success in visual storytelling? A willingness to collaborate, the flexibility to evolve, and an understanding of the basic rules of cinematography…these three points will be the focus of this course. The best way to learn how to storyboard is by storyboarding, and here you will be provided with focused assignments and opportunities to do just that. With Kris Pearn as your instructor/ virtual pretend director, you will learn in a studio environment and feel what it’s like to send ideas rocketing across the room. We all have stories to tell, and whether you have ambitions to tell these stories in live action, animation, or hard copy mediums, such as comics, this course will help you to develop those muscles of communication so that your ideas will have an opportunity to shine.
Lessons: 9 lessons in 9weeks
Start Date: August 5, 2008
Fees: $998 USD
Pre-Requisites: None.
Please leave any comments or questions you have about this course and we will be happy to answer them.