hey bobby. just wanted to thank you for putting out that old man video on cgtalk. i have cgtalk as my homepage to keep me inspired to stick with art. i really love the video though and just your outlook on art. i feel the same way. i worked at a call center for general motors for three years and pretty much took endless ammounts of phone calls and delt with crappy employees all day. it was such a mindless job that when i went home i would constantly work on projects and music all night trying to better myself and continue to do what i loved. i would stay up till four in the morning workin on something, and then get up at 630am and go to work. at work, my good friend dave and i would always be sketching things and just trying to push the envelope on what was acceptable and what was not, but it seems like our job didn't encourage that type of behavior. so over the course of a month i drew on this red paper and put it all over my cubicle, it was probably the crazies thing you could see at a call center. about three months later i ended up turnin my desk into what i called dracula's bereau.. but i covred it with stuff like picture frames, a old school mac computer and a rubiks cube. so it looked like a 3d flash thing. ill throw some pics on here for ya. anways, i managed to get myself fired from my job three days before i was gonna quit so i was able to get unemployment...which im three months into. but i promised myself that if i could do that and get six months of money i would do whatever i could to beef up my animation skills and make myself a better person so at the end of the six months i would be on a better path.... continued.
Hahaha..Thanks for sending me this. Too funny. Kei, T and I all had a great laugh. You are one crazy man!