Kei and I thought it would be fun if we held a contest on our DEVIANTART page to get everyone drawing!
It's been so much fun, we thought we'd post it on the blog too!

Prizes: We're giving away a copy of our 'Guy Sketches' signed with sketches inside by Kei and myself.

Topic: Do your version of one of our paintings in your style!
Submission and Deadline: June 8th by 12:00 midnight eastern time.
-Submit as many entries as you wish.
-Post the submission on your blog or Deviantart page and email the link to info(at) with the subject title: 'Art Contest'
Please submit NEW artwork only, which means artwork created for this contest, any artwork posted after April 13th. Any artwork before this date will not be accepted to this contest.
Have fun drawing and painting everyone! We are excited to see what you'll come up with!
If you don't have time to draw, that's ok as well. We'll be giving away a signed copy of Guy Sketches to one of our random 'FOLLOWERS.'
Check out all of the fun entries so far!