So long Girl Sketches! Our very first book, Girl Sketches is officially sold out! This was one of my personal favorites. Not just because it was our first book but because of the great tutorials and all of the wonderful memories from each of the paintings inside. Many of the drawings were done before we started Imaginism Studios. When the idea of being an independent artist was REALLY just an dream for us.
It just goes to show that with some common sense and a whole lot of passion ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE for ANYONE from ANYWHERE!
My love and gratitude goes out there for everyone that supported us throughout these years and continue to support the cause. You've allowed us to create so much independent art throughout the years and without you, Imaginism Studios would not have been possible.
Thank you so much for allowing us to continue to do what we love to do.
- Bobby
*Look out for our 11th Imaginism book - "Life Drawing" on sale starting this Friday August 14th. We will be signing ALL Life Drawing books purchased between Friday August 14th to Monday August 24th.
*Our friends and long time supporter Brand Studio Press still have a few copies of Girl Sketches. Go get it