Who's going to the CTN? We'll be there. Come by and say hi.
Kei Acedera & Bobby Chiu are at Table 50 & 374th Dimension Entertainment Half Booth 34
Acedera, Kei Table 50
Ai of Hollywood Table 19
Aniboom Booth 3
Animation Magazine Table 30
ASIFA Booth 10
Balistreri, Ben Table 25
Banh, John Table 48
Bard, Damon Table 4
Beck, Jerry Table 5
Bernal, Mitchel Corner Booth 25
Bernstein, Jeremy and Villard, JJ Table 24
BlueSky Animation Studio Table 27
Bluth, Don and Goldman, Gary Both 12
Boksmati, Saud and Arsov, Lubomir Table 39
Breakpoint Books Booth 19-20
Bucher, Stefen Table 11
CalArts Booth 15
Christiansen, Mark Half Booth 39
Colman, David Table 7
Craft Animations Table 28
CRE Booth 22
Daley, Michael and Campion, Pascal Table 18
Daly, Donnachada Table 10
Digicel Inc. Booth 14
Disney Animation Studios Table 32
Disney Toon Table 43
Disney TV Animation Table 20
Elliott, Craig Table 15
Eslinger, Kevin Booth 4
Lauren Faust and Craig McCracken Half Booth 35
Galloway, Sean and Benjamin, Ryan Table 34
Girls Drawn’ Girls Table 12
Gnomon Booth 18
Hanson, Frank Table 49
Harris, Richard The Mighty Nomad Gallery Half Booth 36
Hee, Liana Table 29
Herrera, Francisco_and Ramos, Humberto Booth 01
Hungerford, Ryan Table 8
Imaginism Studios Bobby Chiu Table 37
Joseph, Robin Table 38
Kesten, Brad Table 33
LA Film School Booth 21
LAAFA Corner booth 29
Laberis, Stephanie Table 22
Lee, Britney Table 31
Lence, Robert Table 46
Liu, Davy Corner booth 26
Lopez, Jose Half Booth38
Loter, John Corner booth 27
Maki, Rik Corner booth 24
Matsuda, Leo Table 42
Maxon Computers Booth 8
McDonnel, Mark Table 1
Mignola, Mike half booth 42
Mobile Motion Corner Booth 30
Molina, Fabian Table 13
Morse, Scott Table 14
Ng, Stuart Booth 6-7
Nucleus Gallery Corner Booth 28
O’Keefe, David Table 35
Orr, Justin Table 16
Pennacchioli, Gabriele Table 9
Phillipson, Phil Booth 5
Portland Studios Half Booth 37
Presing, Bill Table 45
Renegade Studios Booth 11
Robinson, Bill Table 2
Romano, Lou Table 44
Santa Monica College Table 40
Siepermann, Harald Half Booth 41
Silber, Lee Table 51
Silver, Stephen Table 47
Sleven, Beth Table 21
Sony Pictures Animation Booth 16
Tossan, Olivier Booth 2
Turner, Ken Table 41
USC Table 23
Ventura, Valerio Booth 23
Vilppu, Glenn Corner Booth 31
Wacom, Corel, Unitek Booth 17
Warner Bros Booth 13
Weatherly, Joe Table 6
Women In Animation Table 17
Woodbury University Booth 9
Wright, Scott / Steve Gordon Table 26
Write Brothers Corner Booth 33
Yeagle, Dean Corner Booth 32
Zielinski, Kathy Table 3