Thanks for everybody's kind comments and support! It's been a mad rush here at the studio lately. We've been designing Bobby's digital painting course that he will be teaching at Sheridan College in the winter and working on other jobs here and there in cooperation with other studios. However, by far, the next big thing coming from Imaginism Studios is our next book, "Cats & Dogs Sketches".
The master copy is almost complete; we will be doing the final edit this weekend ahead of printing next week!
The book will include "Home Alone", "My Red Bike", and other award-winning work by Bobby Chiu, Linda Bergkvist, and many others!
In addition, there will be:
... tutorials written by Bobby on some of his favorite techniques and approaches when it comes to seeing and drawing
... a tutorial by Robin Mitchell on how to improve your composition
... and of course, an extensive gallery of art that any dog and/or cat lover would enjoy!
Now as the printing date draws near, we've received some emails asking if we're still taking pre-orders, and the answer is YES! :P
We're still happily accepting pre-orders! And of course, each pre-ordered book will be signed and dated by Bobby, in case you ever want to Ebay it, haha.
So, if you'd like to support us while at the same time getting a great resource with which to further your own art (or you enjoy and collect beautiful artwork), simply click below:

We hope you will enjoy the next big thing from Imaginism Studios!